Defination of cheap low cost web hosting
Information about cheap low cost web hosting
Many web sites do not even have any tool in place to track their traffic. And yet there should be no excuse for this because there are many excellent free tools available online that will give you plenty of information on your visitors, including where they are coming from, what keywords they are using in search engines to find you and how long they are spending on which page on your site amongst a host of other very useful information you should have.
Now comparing Intel vs AMD chips is extremely difficult. It almost feels like comapring oranges and apples. So again, my advice would be: compare the number of cores. If one has more cores than the other, it's probably better.
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Writing all this on cheap low cost web hosting can be considered an obligation to us. This is because we felt obligated on imparting all this knowledge we knew about cheap low cost web hosting.
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